If this looks familiar to anyone, that's because it was an old post on my other blog. re-reading it gave me a little laugh, so I thought I would share.
I have always tried to instill good manners in my children. To say "Please" and "Thank You" and "Excuse Me". I have tried, with out much success, to teach them not to interrupt. Overall, I think that I'm just trying to teach them to be good Ladies and Gentlemen. I had no idea of how much of an impression my teachings had made until recently.
Exhibit A:
Austin and Nicole were waiting in the car while I was finishing packing the diaper bag to go run some errands.
Erika: "Mom, you need to be my gentleman!"
Mom: "What?"
Erika: "You need to be my gentleman!"
Mom, not really paying attention: "Oh, I need to be your gentleman. (Whatever that means)"
I finished packing the diaper bag.
Mom: "Erika, you need to run out to the car. I'm coming right now."
Erika: "I can't open the door. I told you that you needed to be my gentleman!" At least I know that Daddy opening the doors has made an impression.
Exhibit B:
We recently read "James and the Giant Peach". When we finished the book, I let the children watch the movie version. After watching it a couple of times and seeing how badly James' Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker treated him, Nicole came to me with the following observation:
Nicole: "James's aunts are so mean! Aunt Sponge burped and she didn't even say, 'Excuse Me'".
Exhibit C:
While watching Star Wars with Austin, I heard:
Austin: "Mom, Anakin interrupted that bad guy! He wasn't even finished speaking and Anakin killed him anyway!"
Now that our manners are well in hand, I think it is time to turn to other lessons: treating people kindly and not killing guys, whether they've finished speaking or not!
Yep, it was just as funny the second time around. How are you doing on teaching Austin not to kill people?